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Wednesday @Wisebread: 19 Frugal Ways to Entertain Teenagers @CarolinaRains via #motownmoms


Just saying the word sometimes can be frustrating for parents, especially when talking about their own.

Making them happy or keeping them entertained seems like another job other than the one you get, and you don’t paid for doing what you do.

Here are great suggestions by Caroline Rains

19 Frugal Ways to Entertain Teenagers


Teen Girl Painting

Teens can be a tough audience to entertain. Their free time is precious, especially for those loaded with AP classes, sports and music commitments, work, and extra-curricular obligations. For many, down time is spent looking at screens, interacting with friends via social media and Skype, or both. So coming up with ways to engage them without resorting to digital devices is hard. (See also: Timeless Money Lessons From Teens)

But even the most restless and demanding teens will enjoy these frugal activities.

1. Learn Family Secrets

Your kids have most likely been protected from family information or just were bored or confused by your stories when they were younger. But now that they are teens, they are ready for greater honesty and more grown-up tales. Intrigue them with explanations of how grandma paid for college, why great-grandma got divorced, how family members lived during the Depression, what unpopular stances your parents took on controversial topics, and why a distant cousin ran away from home.