Author Archives: Versandra Kennebrew

Self-Massage for New Moms: 3 Great Tips

Touch Tuesday with Versandra Kennebrew
English: A series of six illustrations showing...

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When I was young, I was taught that to touch myself was sinful. Forty years later, I am amazed at how many mis-educated women are still afraid the boogie man will get them if they think of performing a breast self examination that lasts more than sixty-seconds. For these deprived women (who somehow manage to become moms without the experience of exploring their own bodies) and liberated women alike, this article is for you.

Contemplating why my grandmother and the church would teach me that my body, my transporter, my communicator, my vessel, my temple was somehow God’s worse creation has lead me to the following conclusion, “the truth shall make you free.” So what is the truth about our amazing bodies and how we interact with them via touch? Well it sure isn’t ignore it, disconnect from it and it will grow strong and healthy. In fact, the opposite is true. Nurture, protect, explore and connect with your body and it will serve you well.

New Mom Self Massage Tips

  1. When your breasts are extra tender, try gently applying baby powder on your dry skin with your fingertips. Glide your powdered left hand from your right arm pit inward toward your heart then switch sides applying the same gentle strokes. (Supports lymphatic system)
  2. When massaging your abdomen, lie flat on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat for best results. (A bolster or pillow under your knees can add comfort to your low back) Draw large circles counter-clockwise using a moisturizing cream to promote skin elasticity.
  3. Use a wall mirror (if possible) when exploring/touching your body. Then try the same exploration with your eyes closed. Redness, darkness, new moles may be visual signs you should share with your doctor. Heat, clamminess or indentations that remain after you touch should also be brought to your doctor’s attention.

#touchtuesday #mmm #mwn

Parent-Infant Bonding Vital to Child Development

Touch Tuesday with Versandra Kennebrew

Years of studying touch has proven without a doubt that nurturing touch is vital for your child’s development. This is why its good for moms to seek out healthy ways to touch their baby. The most functional way for healthy moms to experience nurturing touch is breast feeding. A great writer, new mom, counselor and friend of mine Joanna Willis shares her story of bonding with her baby in a recent blog post. Here is an excerpt from Joannawillis’s Blog.

9 Reasons Why I Love Nursing My 9 Month Old

I Love Nursing Because:

1. It’s a wonderful way for Elyssa and I to bond. She likes to hold my fingers and gaze into my eyes while nursing. She enjoys cuddling up close to me and nursing till she’s satisfied.

2. The breast milk I produce is the perfect nutrients to keep her healthy, strong and developing on target. Breast milk also protects my baby girl from many illnesses and future health issues, therefore it’s worth the minor challenges I encountered in the beginning.

3. It’s super convenient and easy once she and I got the hang of it. I’ve never had to prepare bottles in the middle of the night or get frustrated when I run out the house and forget her diaper bag. I can just find a nice comfy spot and nurse her. My body provides her with everything that she needs. Now, latching is like second nature to her; she doesn’t need my help at all. More is an informative and inspirational blog that I recommend to young women around the world. #touchtuesday #mmm #mwn

Introducing Touch Tuesday with Versandra

Child Development

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Touch Tuesday with Versandra Kennebrew

2012 is here, the year to ignite your imagination and become the best mom possible for your baby. To help you achieve this goal, I will share what I know about loving nurturing touch and how it will help you bond with your child and encourage good social skills with other children and enhance mental and physical development. Over the next 12-months I will share with you the essence of my studies of the human body, a little touch psychology sprinkled with some funny baby/mommy scenarios.

For more than a decade I have served my community as a myomassologist and have written about touch for publications such Mind Body Soul Magazine and Massage Magazine. I invite your comments as we discuss the need for parents to share more loving, nurturing touch with their children. Some of the reasons are obvious but for many who did not receive appropriate or supporting touch growing up, this information could not only be new but profound. Please ask questions and I will do my best to answer with sincerity and scientific evidence.

Some of our Touch Tuesday topics will include: Which Way Is Up?, Healing infant massage moves, Why Is My Baby Screaming?, Massage for discovery and Stop Tickling My Feet!

Negative infant touch causes adult idiosyncrasies. Lets support our little ones as they develop into healthy adults, mind body and spirit.

#touchtuesday #mmm #mwn