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Wednesday @Wisebread: 6 Awesome Reasons to Shop at Aldi via @onefinewriter

(This commentary is in no way sponsored by Aldi)

I am an Aldi nut! Ever since I found this store in my search of Detroit for quality without breaking the budget, Aldi has been a wonderful friend of mine.

Having food in the household is like a comforting blanket for parents because food not only bonds the family, but shuts up the kids when they are cranky and starving – trust me. LOL

I thank Aldi for all the years I thought I couldn’t provide and helping me to achieve that goal each and every month!

Some people have complained:

You have to pay for a basket.” But you get your money back when you return it.

You have to bring or buy your own bags.” I don’t mind because this keeps the cost down for them. Tip: Keep recycled bags in your trunk for quite jaunts without going out the way to go home and getting some or paying for some.

Now don’t take my word for the benefits of shopping at Aldi’s, listen to

6 Awesome Reasons to Shop at Aldi

by Tisha Tolar

Man outside Aldi

Since the price of groceries has been steadily rising and my only local grocery store went bankrupt, I have been trying better food budgeting with a monthly trip to Aldi for the essentials. My grandmother was always a big proponent of Aldi, but that was back in the day before the retail chain really stepped up their game.

As a frequent Aldi shopper, I have discovered that the years have been kind, and the store has really become an asset to our small area where unemployment rates are high and dollar stores are seeing more business than ever. If you have never shopped at an Aldi, I want to provide you some incentive by listing the things I love about the discount store and its offerings, as well as a few minor complaints about the store I frequent. (See also: 5 Frugal Lessons I Learned From Aldi)